"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease." Buddha

Dear Member We are glad to inform you that last Tuesday, 8th Dec ’15, Mrs Ramchurn organised Mahila Sammelan ( The Role of Women in our Society ) at Belle

June or July at Government level every year there is an open day for abt 2 days specially Sat & Sun , with all the health depts or organisations which

Date : 29/09/2013 Timmings: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Venue: N.K. sharma Farms chandigarh-ambala highway zirakpur Dist. Mohali (Punjab) pin code: 140603

Mrs Catherine Jaeggi is a veg and we prepared vegetarian meal at her place in Switzerland. Invited her family for lunch. Mauritian style we cooked puris, potatoes in masala, rougailles

डॉ. वेदप्रताप वैदिक सारी दुनिया में भारत ही ऐसा एकमात्र देश है, जिसमें करोड़ों शाकाहारी लोग रहते हैं। ये शाकाहारी लोग मांस, मछली, अंडा वगैरह नहीं खाते। वे मांसाहार नहीं

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