"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease." Buddha

Mrs Catherine Jaeggi is a veg and we prepared vegetarian meal at her place in Switzerland. Invited her family for lunch. Mauritian style we cooked puris, potatoes in masala, rougailles

During Rishi Bodh celebration on Sun 10th March 2013 at Morcellement St Andre College Primises, IVA did exhibition. Plse find attached a few photos

Anita – Special Supporting Team member, Vishad – Coordinator from Savanne District and myself as Chief Coordinator, on 22/01/15 we went to Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) to record for a

   Workshop in Mahebourg arya samaj in presence of Arya Sabha Mauritius . An audience of abt 150

IVA wrkshp at Triolet Arya Samaj in Aug 2014. Starting and ending with prayer 1st photo the Mahila Samaj Secretary with her welcome speech and other members gave a short

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